Varicose and spider veins

Love your legs again!

Treatments for all vascular problems

Unsightly veins? We have the answer

Varicose and spider veins are very common. While they are different entities to each other with different causes, neither should be expected to resolve spontaneously and can affect adults of all ages. This leaves those who suffer from them distressed and in need of help.

spider veins


The NHS only approves treatment for varicose veins in a few exceptional situations and does not offer treatment for spider veins at all. This leaves large numbers of people in need of help. This help is now at hand with a comprehensive new vascular service at The Wye Clinic in Hereford. Leading this service is Mr Bajwa, an experienced consultant vascular surgeon who offers the most up-to-date assessment and treatments for all vascular problems, including varicose and spider veins.


The vital first stage in any assessment is an in-depth consultation. Understanding how someone is affected by troublesome veins, along with their hopes and expectations, is key. Though spider veins and varicose veins have different causes, they can co-exist. Having an expert such Mr Bajwa assess how the problem has occurred and discuss the possible treatment options is essential to achieving the best outcomes. Investigations such as ultrasound scanning are often needed to provide the detailed information needed to plan the best way forward.

Couple running on beach
varicose veins

Bespoke treatment

Troublesome veins such as varicose and spider veins can bleed, become painful and are usually unsightly. They can also cause skin changes and ulcers. Any of these problems on its own is a reason for treatment though they may develop together.

Treatment for varicose and spider veins has many forms. These treatments can be used either individually or in conjunction with each-other in a management plan that is individualised for every patient. Mr Bajwa is an expert and offers all the most modern and safe treatments available. Whether it be state-of-the-art foam treatments, radiofrequency ablation, or phlebectomy they are all available at The Wye Clinic. With local anaesthetic, recovery is quicker meaning you are back up and running in no time.

Meet our team

Your Consultant

The Wye Clinics’ expert team of consultants and support staff will put you at ease. From your initial consultation, to post-operative care – our team have a wealth of expertise and experience.

Dr Adnan Bajwa

Mr Adnan Bajwa

Mr Bajwa is a consultant surgeon specialising in varicose vein treatment and other aspects of vascular (blood vessel) surgery. Mr Bajwa qualified in medicine from the prestigious Imperial College London and undertook higher surgical training in London. He spent five years in the vascular units in Guys & St Thomas’ and St George’s Hospitals and was awarded a British Heart Foundation Fellowship to undertake his PhD in Vascular Surgery at Kings College London. He has published in high impact cardiovascular journals and has been awarded numerous national and international prizes.

He was appointed a Consultant Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust in 2016 where he practised all aspects of vascular & endovascular Surgery, including high volume complex aortic repairs. He developed the highly successful renal access service there and also a successful varicose vein practice, offering all aspects of venous interventions.

In 2021 he relocated to Worcestershire, bringing with him a wealth of experience in modern vascular and endovascular interventions to The Wye Clinic in Hereford. Mr Bajwa offers comprehensive vascular assessments and management, as well as all aspects of local anaesthetic vascular interventions. Costs for an initial consultation start at £175 (or £250 to include a scan, if required).

Central location with Finance options available

You will find us easily in central Hereford. There is ample on-site parking, and we are very close to the new development, Old Market Shopping Centre and Waitrose. There is no need for a referral, nor do you need to have private medical insurance. Finance options are available for all our procedures, if required.

Premium options

Why not Go Platinum?

Discover our range of premium options for complete peace of mind. Many people naturally worry about what will happen after their procedure… How to get home? How to put eye drops in? Who’s making dinner?

Our Platinum package deals with all your concerns, allowing you the options of a chauffeur transfer to and from The Wye Clinic, luxury accommodation and fine dining at Hereford’s premier boutique hotel, the Castle House Hotel, and help with your postoperative care – either at home or at the hotel – from Katherine Harriet’s Bespoke Home Care’s team of healthcare professionals.

Platinum package couple

For more information call us on: 01432 802 600